
SpeakUp - whistleblower policy



At NewCold, we are dedicated to leading the cold storage and supply chain industry with the highest standards of professionalism. If you encounter or suspect any wrongdoing, the SpeakUp policy guides you on how to report your concerns safely and confidentially.


We encourage everyone connected to NewCold -employees, former employees, contractors, suppliers, and business partners, to report any suspected or actual misconduct in good faith. Speaking up helps us address and prevent future issues. We guarantee protection for those who report, ensuring confidentiality and safeguarding against retaliation.


The SpeakUp policy outlines how to report concerns related to criminal activity, ethical breaches, or other misconduct within NewCold, such as violations of our Code of Conduct. Examples include fraud, bribery, and harassment. It is important to note that the policy is not intended for personal complaints, and any misuse may lead to disciplinary action.


How to report a concern


We offer multiple confidential channels for reporting:


  • Speak to management or contact person: You can directly report to your contact person, your manager, HR, or a member of the local management team.
  • SpeakUp reporting channel: If you prefer, use the SpeakUp reporting channel, accessible via a dedicated app or website. This service is operated by an independent provider, available 24/7 in multiple languages, and allows for anonymous reporting. Click here to go to the platform.
  • Other reporting methods: You may also report to the Integrity Team. Contact details can be found in the SpeakUp policy.


If you’re uncomfortable reporting internally, you can approach local authorities. However, we recommend seeking advice before taking this step. We encourage and invite you to speak up within NewCold, to allow us to support you and to address your concerns proactively.


Please refer to the SpeakUp policy to learn more details about the process after reporting a concern.




  • Your report and the investigation will be treated with the utmost confidentiality and shared only on a need-to-know basis with those involved in handling your concern.
  • NewCold ensures that anyone reporting in good faith or participating in an investigation will be protected from any adverse consequences.
  • Personal data involved in a report will be processed in line with NewCold’s privacy policy and applicable laws.


To download the complete SpeakUp policy, click here.